Hello all. I hope this essay finds you well. In it, I attempt to describe (with pictures!) the strategy I currently use to trade on the stock market. As well, I give the reader some detail about the history of the strategy, as it came to be. As well, I touch on some theory and referenced material that can be useful to the reader in their own pursuit of trading success.
Initially this essay is meant to be shared amongst my friends only. I do not mean to try to make a lot of money by educating. I intend on making money by participating in the market.
Putting this strategy down in concrete words is meant to aide me in several ways. Firstly, be a practice for writing - I don't have a masters nor a PhD and I would like one, or at least I would like to restart academic pursuits.
Secondly, commentary is most welcome and if you, my dear reader, find a gap in my thinking, please point it out. The feedback loop would help me improve.
Thirdly, I would like my friends to grow and become more able. For this reason I purchased the Pimsleur English class in Spanish - to help my spanish-speaking friends learn English, as I believe it is the best program available. And as it pertains to my trading strategy, if readers in my circle of friends become better off from the ideas expressed herein, I will be all the happier.
Lastly as the fourth point, expressing abstract ideas provides validation of them. It may or may not matter what's inside my head. But since I critically depend on my trading strategy for my overall well-being (if I don't trade, I don't eat), I need to be sure that what's there makes sense. I would like to defend my strategy in friendly discourse, to prove to myself its validity. And in order to discuss it, let's first embody it in writing.
How certain am I in my convictions and actions? Not very certain. I have no formal education in economics or finance, I've often been wrong in the past, there are people much smarter than me out there, I don't have the best technically obsessive work ethic that I've ever seen in people, and overall I could be as wrong as I am right, at any moment. So take what you read with a grain of salt, and don't put up as collateral anything that you cannot afford to lose.
Nothing in this essay is financial advice, I'm not a financial adviser, and information herein is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please don't sue me.